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5 Ways To Heat Up Summer Sales


There is a myth I hear from clients and business owners this time of year. I call it the "Everyone Is On Vacation" myth. Naturally I don't agree that this is true. Is everyone at your business on vacation? I doubt it. So why do many salespeople and business owners think this is the case for their clients and prospects? People do tend to take a week-long Summer vacation but other than that, they are at work like the rest of us. Let's agree that Summer is as good a time as any to get new clients. Here are 5 sure-fire ways to break away from the Summer Myth and heat up your sales.

  1. Ramp Up Your Google Advertising. If you haven't adjusted your campaign or perhaps are not using this media, this is a good way to reach new customers who are looking for your services or products.

  2. Add Retargeting To Your Online Advertising. This will allow you to serve display advertising to potential clients who visit your Website.

  3. Send Out An Email Marketing Campaign. Make sure you update your mail list with new customers and prospects, then send out a series of Emails promoting the benefits of working with your business.

  4. Send Out A Mailer To Existing Customers With A Summer Offer. Direct mail works and your customers will like hearing from you.

  5. Review Your Website & Update it. Make sure everything is current and up to date as to your products and services. And add links to your Social Media pages if you have not done this already.

I hope you have a great Summer and if you need any help heating up your sales, please give me a call at 704-246-8428 or respond to this email.

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